
Fallout 4 cait
Fallout 4 cait

fallout 4 cait

During the game, any chem the players gave to her will be gone all in vain because she will use the chem even before the day is done.įallout 4 has almost 13 companions in its game and players will find it funny to have her around. The worst thing about Cait is that she is chem addicted.

fallout 4 cait

With the help of Fallout 4 cheats, players can max her affinity level. She is even considered as the easiest character in Fallout 4 to please.

  • Cait has a very gentle heart for children and animals.
  • Because of her personality, Cait can’t be the best companion to players because she has no place for mercy, compassion, kindness, and nobility in her books even if it works in her favor.
  • Because of her early life experiences, Fallout 4 Cait is a borderline sociopath and spends most of her time stealing things, making threats to players, and always pushes quest givers to fork over extra bottle caps on her.
  • fallout 4 cait

  • Cait is considered one of the best cage fighters in Fallout 4 and is not easy to defeat during the fight.
  • Her parents abused and torture her without any reason due to which she tried to run away from his home, and apparently lost her second leg in the second attempt.
  • Cait had a very hard life in her early years.
  • Cait is one of the best Fallout 4 companions that has excellent skills in locksmithing of locked items and can help you to open any locked item.
  • Players have to compete with different characters in combat areas in order to collect their weapons, shields, and valuable items. Interesting Facts about Caitįallout 4 is all about finding the best Fallout 4 Mods, Fallout 4 console commands, power armors, adventure, action, and killing of evil creatures in the game. Fallout 4 Cait was one of the best cage fighters and proved too tough for its opponents to beat. Due to the extreme torture, violence, hatred, and pain, she lost her life because of severe injuries she sustained during slavery. Because of hard life experiences, she became a cage fighter to pursue the life of her dreams and to provide funds to everything she needed the most. She was a piece of entertainment slave for the next 5 years in her slavery. On her 18 th birthday, her parents slapped a shock collar around her neck and later sold her. Due to the constant abuses, misbehave, and yelling, she became convinced that she was a mistake. Her parents broke her leg when she tried for the second time. Her parents beat and yell at her in a normal routine due to which she made her mind run away. In Fallout 4, she runs away twice to save her life. She was born in 2261 and is from Irish ancestors. Below is a table showing her preferences, but keep in mind her opinions on chems use and addiction will change after you finish her quest.Fallout 4 Cait is a very powerful character that can be found in Combat Zone.


    Perk: Trigger Rush (Action points regenerate faster if your health is below 25%) How to increase relationship level with CaitOnce you’re on good enough terms with Cait, you’ll be able to start a romance with her.

    fallout 4 cait

    Her perk makes for a decent get-out-of-jail-free card. She would be a great companion for someone who prefers not to tank and also doesn’t have high perception. Cait’s abilities & perks Abilities: She’s more than capable of hand-to-hand combat, but has a crippling chem addiction. Talk to the man with her in the cage after that’s done, and you’ll get the opportunity to recruit her. Help her get rid of them (she’s grossly outnumbered, and outgunned). How to get Cait When you enter the building, you’ll see a woman fighting a band of Raiders.

    Fallout 4 cait