
Skymaxx pro forum
Skymaxx pro forum

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skymaxx pro forum


I would alway stick with what is given for free before purchasing, but if you're not happy with the results then go purchase. So this helps the sim draw the weather in a beter way etc. You then have things like Ultra Weather XP and xVision that gives you fancy graphics using the injected weather. Likewise, letting XP11 get the weather will do pretty much the same - although Active Sky has a few more bells and whistles in terms of settings and improvements. So all Active Sky is going to do at the moment is inject real live weather, or custom weather you create into the sim. I would quite like to get some feedback from you X-Plane old timers on this proposal. I don't need updates to the weather any more often than once an hour so this seems, on the face of it, to be a good option.

skymaxx pro forum


Hopefully this will be something they add in the future too.Īt the moment I am thinking that I should let X-Plane update the live weather and get Active sky. The deal breaker for me with 圎nviro was the fact it only took real live weather - I like to do VFR and on rubbish low visibility days, I like to change the weather to something better. So I would be looking forward to future Active Sky updates and the new version of 圎nviro to see which one is better. I uninstalled 圎nviro for Active Sky a while back - but 圎nviro apparently is the only weather programme that draws clouds ot the horizon, else you get that horrible overcast ring around the plane. So I am keen to see whether the 2.5 version fixes this for me. The issue I am having at the moment with UWXP is that it does not seem to 'start' when loading a flight, and I have to click the 'UWXP Main Set' button every time. I have them all including Skymaxx Pro & Xenviro.for me at the moment UWXP looks best and Skymaxx seems to be the one that slows my system the most, Xenviro I will await 1.10 and see how that goes, I have seen a video show accumulative snow effects. I use UWXP in conjunction with either ASXP or FSGRW.

Skymaxx pro forum